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  • Recorded webinar: What is diversity within the primary history curriculum?


    In 2021 we ran a series of webinars aimed at teachers working in primary schools: Diversity in the primary history curriculum. This series considered the following questions: What is diversity? Why has it proved to be controversial? How can we respond to this? Why is it so important in developing children's...

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  • Round Table Discussion: Does Content Matter?


    This round table discussion took place on Saturday 15th May 2010.  The panel includes: Dr Katharine Burn (Editor of Teaching History), Dr Michael Riley (Director of the Schools History Project.); Colin Jones (President of the Royal Historical Society and Professor of History at Queen Mary, London); David Evans (Former Head of Eton).

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  • The Dawson Lectures

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    In 2021, Ian Dawson suggested there should be a place and a way for us to honour and respect those who have gone above and beyond to help support, nurture and promote those involved with teaching, as well as producing resources and guidance that can assist teachers with developing their...

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  • The Jews of Medieval England: on-demand short course

    Multipage Article

    A Jewish community was established in England shortly after the Norman Conquest. Initially confined to London, from the 1130s onwards Jews began to settle in other parts of the country, where they lived as English Jews for more than two centuries. Their life in England came to an end in...

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  • The Norman Conquest: why did it matter?


    Keynote Speech from the Historical Association 2013 Annual Conference - Podcast Dr Marc Morris - Historian, author and television presenter 1066 is the most famous date in English history. Everyone remembers the story, depicted on the Bayeux Tapestry, of William the Conqueror's successful invasion, and poor King Harold being felled...

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  • The Origins of Mass Society: Speech, Sex and Drink in Urbanising Britain, 1780-1870


    Professor Peter Mandler is the current president of the Historical Association. As part of our 'presidents season' for the HA Virtual Branch he gave a fascinating talk on The Origins of Mass Society: Speech, Sex and Drink in Urbanising Britain, 1780-1870. In this talk he explores the impact of the changes in...

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  • The Reformation: the view from the north


    Lecture from the Historical Association 2013 Annual Conference - Podcast Professor Bill Sheils - University of York The Reformation comprised a range of regional and local experiences, each with its own character and chronology. This talk will examine the broad characteristics of religious change in the north of England between...

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  • Using oral history in the classroom

    Multipage Article

    The Oral History Society has kindly agreed to produce two new films aimed at history teachers who are new to carrying out or using oral histories either in their teaching or with students. These two films will equip teachers with the essential tools and knowledge for using and devising effective...

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  • Virtual Branch Recording: Henry III and Simon de Montfort


    David Carpenter brings to life the dramatic events in the last phase of Henry III’s momentous reign, provides a fresh account of the king’s strenuous efforts to recover power and sheds new light on the rebel figure Simon de Montfort. Professor David Carpenter is a Professor of Medieval History at King's College...

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  • Virtual Branch Recording: Humans


    In this Virtual Branch talk, Dr Alvin Finkel challenges claims that egalitarian, peaceful societies disappeared with the founding of agriculture or with the founding of state-level social organisation.  Different authors have suggested that early human society was essentially egalitarian in nature, with hierarchies only later becoming common. The point at which...

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  • Virtual Branch Recording: The East India Company and Empire


    What can the early history of the English East India Company tell us about the foundations of the British Empire, and where does that history sit within current debates about Britain’s imperial legacy? In this session Mark Williams offers a timely insight into the history of one of the most significant...

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  • Virtual Branch Recording: The House of Dudley


    The Dudleys thrived at the court of Henry VII, but were sacrificed to the popularity of Henry VIII. Rising to prominence in the reign of Edward VI, the Dudleys lost it all by advancing Jane Grey to the throne over Mary I. That was until the reign of Elizabeth I,...

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  • Virtual Branch Recording: The cultural world of Elizabethan England


    In this Virtual Branch talk Professor Emma Smith provides a preview of her current research, which explores the lives and cultural undercurrents of Elizabethan England. What was influencing their cultural tastes and how much of it was new, or had it all been seen before? Emma Smith is Professor of Shakespeare...

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  • Virtual Branch recording: Empires of the Normans


    How did descendants of Viking marauders come to dominate Western Europe and the Mediterranean, from the British Isles to North Africa, and Lisbon to the Holy Land and the Middle East? In this Virtual Branch talk Levi Roach, author of Empires of the Normans, tells a tale of ambitious adventures...

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  • Virtual Branch recording: Henry Christophe, the Haitian Revolution and the Caribbean's Forgotten Kingdom


    How did a man born enslaved on a plantation triumph over Napoleon's invading troops and become king of the first free black nation in the Americas? This is the forgotten, remarkable story of Henry Christophe. Christophe fought as a child soldier in the American War of Independence, before serving in...

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  • Virtual Branch recording: The British Templars


    The word Templars conjures up a variety of images and ideas – much of which are fiction rather than fact. In this talk Dr Steve Tibble will unpick some of the stories surrounding this group and place them in a proper historical and factual context. He will explore why the...

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  • Virtual Branch recording: The Women's World Committee against War & Fascism


    How did a group of women activists with varied ideological backgrounds construct several important campaigns against fascism in the interwar period? How did this Women's World Committee against War and Fascism (Comité Mondial des Femmes contre la Guerre et le Fascisme) undertake effective humanitarian and propaganda work and forge extensive...

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  • Virtual Branch recording: The survival strategies of the Near Eastern powers facing Mongol invasion.


    The Mongol invasions into the Near East had a devastating effect upon many societies, sultanates, empires and kingdoms. For decades, wave after wave of armies swept across the area, defeating every army sent against them and utterly reshaping the area’s complex political ecosystem. Some powers fell in battle; some submitted...

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  • Virtual Branch recording: Tudor Liveliness?


    In Tudor England, artworks were often described as ‘lively’. What did this mean in a culture where naturalism was an alien concept? And in a time of religious upheaval, when the misuse of images might lure the soul to hell, how could liveliness be a good thing? In this talk...

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  • Virtual Branch recording: Why has Monarchy survived in Europe?


    In the lead-up to the Queen's Platinum Jubilee, Dr Bob Morris joined the HA Virtual Branch in March 2022 to consider why the monarchy has survived in Europe.  Dr R. M. (Bob) Morris is a Senior Honorary Research Associate at the Constitution Unit, University College London. He was formerly a...

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