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We know how important it is to you to be able to reflect upon the professional development you undertake and to revisit the resources, advice and guidance. In this section, you will find a repository of training resources and materials from past events.
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Recorded webinar: What is diversity within the primary history curriculum?
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Round Table Discussion: Does Content Matter?
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The Dawson Lectures
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The Jews of Medieval England: on-demand short course
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The Norman Conquest: why did it matter?
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The Origins of Mass Society: Speech, Sex and Drink in Urbanising Britain, 1780-1870
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The Reformation: the view from the north
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Using oral history in the classroom
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Virtual Branch Recording: Henry III and Simon de Montfort
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Virtual Branch Recording: Humans
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Virtual Branch Recording: The East India Company and Empire
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Virtual Branch Recording: The House of Dudley
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Virtual Branch Recording: The cultural world of Elizabethan England
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Virtual Branch recording: Empires of the Normans
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Virtual Branch recording: Henry Christophe, the Haitian Revolution and the Caribbean's Forgotten Kingdom
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Virtual Branch recording: The British Templars
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Virtual Branch recording: The Women's World Committee against War & Fascism
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Virtual Branch recording: The survival strategies of the Near Eastern powers facing Mongol invasion.
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Virtual Branch recording: Tudor Liveliness?
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Virtual Branch recording: Why has Monarchy survived in Europe?
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