Local History

What constitutes local history can be a grey area. It includes, the history of your school, the history of the town or village in which you live, and the history of a particular county or region. Local history forms a key element of the history curriculum from Key Stages 1-3 and is a way of making links between the locality and national and international events.  The question for many schools is whether to teach a local history unit discretely or whether to incorporate it into another unit. There are a number of things that the teacher of local history needs to have in their toolkit, especially if you, as the teacher, are not particularly familiar with the local context of the school in which you teach. In this section you will find helpful articles, guides and resources to enable you to make local history meaningful.

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  • Memorialisation and the First World War Centenary Battlefield Tours Programme


    In this podcast Simon Bendry, Programme Director for the UCL Institute of Education’s First World War Centenary Battlefield Tours Programme, discusses the programme and its impact. This podcast was recorded as part of the Teacher Fellowship Programme on Conflict, Art and Remembrance.

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