Secondary news

  • HA Secondary Survey: in important times, we need important points of view

    26th June 2024

    The new Secretary of State for Education says she wants to “reset the relationship” with the education sector. If you want to add your voice to the shape of that reset then take part in our survey. Further statements about education and what is taught in schools are going to...

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  • Film: Medlicott Lecture 2024 - Professor Catherine Hall


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  • HA Annual Awards Evening – a night to celebrate

    25th July 2024

    Once a year the Historical Association (HA) holds an awards evening to celebrate some of the incredible people who give their time to support the History community. That support may be through individual endeavour, community activity, educational excellence, the sharing of academic expertise or raising awareness and enthusiasm for our...

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  • HA Honorary Fellows 2024

    2nd July 2024

    Each year the Historical Association awards Honorary Fellowships to a small group of people. These awards are to recognise and celebrate outstanding services to history and to the Historical Association. The awards cover services to the Historical Association Branches (of which there are over 45 across the country), our committees and...

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  • Poland, Lithuania and the Baltic – new podcasts

    28th June 2024

    Poland and its politics feature occasionally in the news, though often negatively. And lots of people think they know Polish history – although what they usually mean is that they know Poland from the 1930s onwards. By contrast, the Baltic States only ever appear in the margins of many people’s knowledge...

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  • Pivotal elections in history

    28th June 2024

    2024 is and continues to be a year of national and regional elections around the world. Some have passed under the international radar; others have sprung out leading to huge ramifications. In the UK the polls are predicting changes, France has already had its shake up, and India, the EU...

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  • Teaching History 195: Out now


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  • Short course: Witchcraft, Werewolves and Magic in European History

    20th June 2024

    Led by Jonathan Durrant, Laura Kounine, Jan Machielsen, Lisa Tallis, Juliette Wood   Book Now (Registration is via Cademy which opens in a new window. Please read the course terms and conditions before registering) What does the course cover? This Historical Association short course is an introduction to European witchcraft...

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  • It is Pride Month

    10th June 2024

    Get out your rainbow flag and fly it high. June is the month to celebrate the diversity of sexuality and sexualities across society. For historians it is an opportunity to showcase the long history of LGBT+ issues in the UK’s past and to explore the different ways sexuality and LGBT+...

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  • South Africa – National Elections 2024

    3rd June 2024

    Over the last 150 years South Africa has often been in the news. Its history is one that is marked with conflict, political prejudice and violence. For decades it was known for its inhumane political model of apartheid followed by one of political change and openness. For the last decade...

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