Found 199 results matching 'revolutions' within Primary > Curriculum > Foundation Stage & Key Stage 1   (Clear filter)

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  • Primary History Summer Resource 2019: Diversity

      Primary History resource
    This free summer resource for primary members is designed to help primary subject leaders and teachers consider the implications of developing a school policy for teaching of diversity in history. This comprehensive guide provides timely advice and considers questions associated with teaching diversity and provides a rationale for its essential role in providing an understanding...
    Primary History Summer Resource 2019: Diversity
  • Here comes the ‘60s

      Primary History article
    The 1960s were a decade of great change in Britain. The previous decade had seen America begin its gradual global cultural domination while Britain had to revise its role from imperial state to a member of the new Commonwealth of Nations. Recovery from the war had not been easy and...
    Here comes the ‘60s
  • Scheme of Work: Walter Tull

      Primary Scheme of Work, Key Stage 1 History (unresourced)
    Pupils will look at the childhood and football career of Walter Tull, what happened to him when he fought in World War I and why he was different from most people of his time. They will compare his experiences to issues and people still relevant today including the double Olympian...
    Scheme of Work: Walter Tull
  • Using shoes as an historical source

      Primary History article
    There is something fascinating about what people wore in the past. From corsets to clogs, the evolution of clothing and footwear can give an insight into different periods of history, an excellent way of engaging with the past. Shoes, in some form or another, have been around from the earliest...
    Using shoes as an historical source
  • Primary Scheme of Work: Local History

      Scheme of Work
    Unit for Key Stage 1: Significant historical events, people and places in their own locality (the school and its community)  Children can be introduced to the idea that schools have been in the locality for some time but they have not always been the same. They can look at similarities...
    Primary Scheme of Work: Local History
  • WWI primary book reviews: The Christmas Truce and Where the Poppies Now Grow

      Two illustrated stories of the First World War by Hilary Robinson & Martin Impey
    The Christmas Truce ‘It's Christmas Eve 1914. A group of tired soldiers start singing Stille Nacht. Soldiers the other side of No Man's Land respond with Silent Night. The next day, soldiers on both sides put down their weapons and celebrate Christmas Day with a friendly football match.' This heart-warming...
    WWI primary book reviews: The Christmas Truce and Where the Poppies Now Grow
  • Progression & Assessment without Levels - Guide

      Progression & Assessment
    In the 2014 national curriculum for primary and secondary history one of the key differences is that, for the first time since 1991, there are no level descriptions against which you can assess pupils' progress.  The new attainment target says simply that: ‘By the end of each key stage, pupils...
    Progression & Assessment without Levels - Guide
  • Assessment in Primary History - Guidance

      Assessment in Primary History
    Whilst a number of schools have had well-considered assessment procedures for primary history, these represented a minority.  With the new national curriculum, the old level descriptions have been replaced by a single sentence attainment target which states that "by the end of each key stage, pupils are expected to know,...
    Assessment in Primary History - Guidance
  • Cabinets of Curiosities, The History of Museums

    Delving into the origin and history of museums, one finds that particular themes emerge which are still present amongst the underpinning dynamics of museums in the 21st Century. Inseparable from the story of museums and galleries, for example, are the notions of ‘collecting’ and ‘curiosity’ and likewise, one’s attention is...
    Cabinets of Curiosities, The History of Museums
  • Looking at buildings as a source for developing historical enquiries

    Please note: this article was written before the the 2014 National Curriculum. The section on using computers in particular is now outdated.  Buildings offer a fascinating insight into history. We live, work and shop in buildings of various descriptions. Some of these buildings are very new, others are very old. Frequently...
    Looking at buildings as a source for developing historical enquiries
  • Exploring sustainability in the Early Years

      Primary History article
    Lucy Hawker has thought about how we might begin to explore the idea of sustainability with very young children. She suggests focussing on why we might save or reuse materials and objects. She presents a loose structure that could be used to develop talk. She also considers how we might...
    Exploring sustainability in the Early Years
  • History in the Foundation Stage

    In September 2000, the introduction of a foundation stage for children aged three to the end of the reception year was widely welcomed for the way in which it confirmed a distinct identity for the early years in education. The recent guidance by QCA1 provides detailed support for all practitioners...
    History in the Foundation Stage
  • Teaching ‘changes within living memory’: making the most of your school

      Primary History article
    The Key Stage 1 curriculum requires an exploration of changes within living memory, and what better way to do this than discovering the history of your own school! In this article, Helen Crawford and Sandra Kirkland provide guidance and suggested activities to explore change and continuity in your own locality. ...
    Teaching ‘changes within living memory’: making the most of your school
  • Literacy Time Plus+ My Writing Progress Record

    Synopsis: Self-assessment sheets for Early Years literacy, which the child completes in discussion with the teacher. Review: This would be useful if Early Years staff have not got any other assessment strategy in place. It contains colour sheets for the child to complete, stating what level they are on and...
    Literacy Time Plus+ My Writing Progress Record
  • Using picture books to explore ideas around history with very young children

      Primary History article
    This article looks at the relevance of picture books in the Early Years Foundation Stage as a resource for introducing children to the idea of the past. Firstly examining its relevance to the Framework, Karin identifies some appropriate resources and how they can be used.  In particular, she links them...
    Using picture books to explore ideas around history with very young children
  • How local history can bridge the gap...

      Primary History article
    A year on from the 2021 Development Matters and it is now much clearer how the changes in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) curriculum, with its emphasis on the role of communities, place, space and histories, has provided greater support for teachers and children to make the transition from the Understanding the...
    How local history can bridge the gap...
  • Exploring the past through active enquiry

      Primary History article
    Story and enquiry – that’s what I think of when considering history. The stories of events and people pull you into the past and stories generate a curiosity that encourages exploration. ‘Finding out’ is central to what we do in history. Our early-years classrooms must provide vibrant and challenging environments...
    Exploring the past through active enquiry
  • What’s in a road? Local history at Early Years and Key Stage 1

      Primary History article
    One of the many amazing things about History is that it can be found in everything; even the smallest or most mundane objects can provide an insight into how life has changed or provide a greater understanding of a different period in time. Late October last year as the light...
    What’s in a road? Local history at Early Years and Key Stage 1
  • Playing in the pandemic: Introducing the Play Observatory

      Primary History article
    What happens to children’s play in a global pandemic? In 2020, as the Covid-19 pandemic was sweeping across the world, an interdisciplinary team of researchers from University College London and the University of Sheffield was beginning to plan a project to address this central question. We began with history in...
    Playing in the pandemic: Introducing the Play Observatory
  • How have schools interpreted the new EYFS Framework?

      Primary History article
    The new Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Framework became statutory from this September (2021). Although the seven areas of learning and development remain unchanged (including Understanding the World), the Early Learning Goals (ELGs) have changed within each of these areas. These new ELGs have been written so that they are...
    How have schools interpreted the new EYFS Framework?
  • The revised EYFS Framework: exploring ‘Past and Present’

      Primary History article
    A new Early Years Foundation Stage framework will become statutory from September 2021. Around three thousand primary schools in England are already implementing this revised framework – these settings have been deemed early adopter schools. The actual curriculum for EYFS is not changing. There will still be seven areas of learning...
    The revised EYFS Framework: exploring ‘Past and Present’
  • Subject leader’s site: assessment and feedback

      Primary History article
    Very few teachers prefer assessment to teaching yet the latter has little point if there is no way of knowing that what we teach is beneficial to our pupils.  The problem is that there is no such thing as perfect assessment and feedback. For example, you cannot assess everything –...
    Subject leader’s site: assessment and feedback
  • Developing chronological understanding and language in the EYFS

      Primary History article
    Developing secure chronological understanding is an essential aspect of effective history learning. Chronological understanding develops over time and children’s progress in this can be most effectively secured if schools plan for development in this area and provide opportunities for children to build upon their understanding throughout their time in school....
    Developing chronological understanding and language in the EYFS
  • All the fun of the fair! Key Stage 1 – Beyond living memory

      Primary History article
    Alf Wilkinson outlines three activities looking at fairs past and present. We all enjoy a visit to the fair, don’t we? There’s always a bit of a buzz when the fair comes to town. In my village it arrives just in time for Feast Weekend, in the summer holidays. The rides...
    All the fun of the fair! Key Stage 1 – Beyond living memory
  • How a history club can work for you and your pupils

      Primary History article
    Bev Forrest writes: As part of my role as a Historical Association Quality Mark assessor I am privileged to visit schools across the country. In the autumn of 2019, I ventured out into Essex to carry out an assessment at Dilkes Academy. I was delighted to recommend gold status for...
    How a history club can work for you and your pupils