Found 347 results matching 'holocaust' within Secondary   (Clear filter)

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  • Teaching Gypsy, Roma and Traveller history

    Gypsy, Roma and Traveller people are the largest minority ethnic group in some communities (and therefore in some schools) in the UK. Yet the past of Gypsy, Roma, Traveller people may rarely be part of history lessons. The result is that pupils of Gypsy, Roma and Traveller heritage may not...
    Teaching Gypsy, Roma and Traveller history
  • The International Journal Volume 12, Number 2

    Editorial New Zealand - Developing an Historical Empathy Pathway with New Zealand Secondary School Students - Martyn Davidson, University of Auckland Cyprus - Deanna Troi and the Tardis: Does Historical Empathy have a Place in Education? Lukas N. Perikleous, University of Cyprus Brazil - An Investigation of the Ways in which...
    The International Journal Volume 12, Number 2
  • Teaching History 135: To They or Not To They

      The HA's journal for secondary history teachers
    02 Editorial 03 HA Secondary News 04 Drilling down: how one history department is working towards progression in pupils’ thinking about diversity across Years 7, 8 and 9 – Matthew Bradshaw (Read article) 13 Cunning Plan: The generalisation game - challenging generalisations (Read article) 16 Were industrial towns ‘death-traps’? Year...
    Teaching History 135: To They or Not To They
  • Podcasts: Recent scholarship updates at speed

      Multipage Article
    The HA has teamed up with the University of York Institute for the Public Understanding of the Past to provide scholarship updates for teachers. In this module you will find a collection of podcasts on different topics that complement the school curriculum. They are designed to provide teachers with the up-to-date specific...
    Podcasts: Recent scholarship updates at speed
  • Teaching History 192: Breadth

      The HA's journal for secondary history teachers
    03 Editorial (Read article) 04 HA Secondary News 06 1093 and all that: broadening Year 7’s British history horizons with Welsh medieval sources – Holly Hiscox (Read article) 18 Why I teach pupils things I don’t need them to remember forever: the role of takeaways in shaping a history curriculum...
    Teaching History 192: Breadth
  • The International Journal Volume 3 Number 2

    International Journal of Historical Learning, Teaching and Research Volume 3 Number 2 July 2003 ISSN 1472 - 9466 Editorial Keith Crawford - The Role and Purpose of Textbooks   Articles Jason Nicholls  - Methods in School Textbook Research   Penelope Harnett - History in the Primary School: the Contribution of...
    The International Journal Volume 3 Number 2
  • Challenging stereotypes and avoiding the superficial: a suggested approach to teaching the Holocaust

      Teaching History article
    Alison Kitson provides a rationale for a scheme of work for Year 9 (13-14 year-olds). She argues that teachers should analyse the kind of historical learning that is taking place when the Holocaust is studied. Critical of the assumption that learning will take place as a result of exposure, she...
    Challenging stereotypes and avoiding the superficial: a suggested approach to teaching the Holocaust
  • Working as a team to teach the Holocaust well: a language-centred approach

      Teaching History article
    Clear themes run through the work of the history department at Huntington School. A remarkably consistent emphasis on language and literacy, including work on speaking and listening of many types, is a hallmark of this sequence of six Year 9 lessons on the Holocaust, described in detail by head of...
    Working as a team to teach the Holocaust well: a language-centred approach
  • 'Who, after all, speaks today of the annihilation of the Armenians?'

      Teaching History article
    How can the Holocaust be represented? In this article, Andrew Wrenn takes as his example the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. He helps teachers encourage pupils to get beneath the surface, and look analytically at the Museum itself as an interpretation of the Holocaust. Such an investigation provides pupils and...
    'Who, after all, speaks today of the annihilation of the Armenians?'
  • Interpretations

      Key Concepts
    Please note: these links were compiled in 2009. For a more recent resource, please see: What's the Wisdom on: Interpretations of the past.  A selection of useful Teaching History Articles on 'Interpretations' and are highly recommended reading to those who would like to get to grips with this key concept: 1....
  • Exploring and Teaching Twentieth-Century History

      A secondary education publication of the Historical Association
    This resource is free to everyone. For access to our library of high-quality secondary history materials along with free or discounted CPD and membership of a thriving community of history teachers and subject leaders, join the Historical Association today  For a long time, history curricula on the 20th century prioritised...
    Exploring and Teaching Twentieth-Century History
  • Parallel catastrophes? Uniqueness, redemption and the Shoah

      Teaching History article
    Nicolas Kinloch’s 1998 review of Michael Burleigh’s Ethics and Extermination in Teaching History, 93, sparked a debate amongst our readers about the teaching of the Holocaust, concerning both rationales and practical approaches. Citing the damage caused to pupils’ understanding by a Spielberg view of history, he emphasised that the rationale...
    Parallel catastrophes? Uniqueness, redemption and the Shoah
  • Announcing the winners of the Write Your Own Historical Fiction competition 2021

      The HA's writing competition for children ages 10-19 years
    This writing competition seeks to encourage young people to express their creative sides alongside a strong understanding of a historical period, event or theme. This year despite restrictions, further lockdowns and uncertainty the number and quality of entries remained high, as well as being imaginative, exciting, well researched and a...
    Announcing the winners of the Write Your Own Historical Fiction competition 2021
  • Approaches to the History Curriculum: integrated learning models

      Briefing Pack
    In 2010 an integrated curriculum was being implemented in some schools in England. This short briefing pack provides some practical examples of that process.  Is your school on the brink of curriculum innovation that involves history? Are you in the midst of such a change and feel confused and uncertain?...
    Approaches to the History Curriculum: integrated learning models
  • Multiethnic Russia and the Soviet Union: How to diversify and decolonise your curriculum

      Joint event from the Historical Association and Study Group of the Russian Revolution
    When we say 'Russia', who do we really mean? Both Tsarist Russia and the USSR were multiethnic states and empires, made up of many diverse peoples from Russians to Tatars, Roma to Jews, Ukrainians to Ingush. This one-day session, delivered jointly by the Historical Association and Study Group of the...
    Multiethnic Russia and the Soviet Union: How to diversify and decolonise your curriculum
  • Beyond the classroom: developing student teachers' work with museums and historic sites

      Teaching History article
    Working visits to historical sites for the purposes of developing pupils’ historical understanding can be extremely useful. As part of their training, student teachers need to acquire understanding and skills in the planning and management of worthwhile ‘fieldwork’. This work can be very powerful indeed if it emerges from co-operation...
    Beyond the classroom: developing student teachers' work with museums and historic sites
  • Diversity resources and links for secondary history

      Articles, podcasts, films, webinar recordings and links
    Categories Diversity: general | Race and ethnicity | Empire and decolonisation | Transatlantic slavery | Non-European | Migration and immigration | Women's history | Working-class history | LGBTQI+ | Disability & accessibility | Gypsy, Roma & Traveller history | Teaching controversial issues | Inclusion and SEND Please note that this is a...
    Diversity resources and links for secondary history
  • From horror to history: teaching pupils to reflect on significance

      Teaching History article
    In this detailed account of the first stages of a lesson sequence for Year 9 (13-14 year-olds), Kate Hammond sets out the tensions that must be examined and resolved when planning and teaching this most demanding of topics. How can young teenagers be helped to develop a mature response to...
    From horror to history: teaching pupils to reflect on significance
  • Making history curious: Using Initial Stimulus Material (ISM) to promote enquiry, thinking and literacy

      Teaching History article
    The idea of gaining pupils’ attention, interest and curiosity at the start of the lesson with an intriguing image, story, analogy or puzzle has long been used by our best history teachers. Michael Riley, through writing and inset, popularised the term ‘hook’ and emphasised its special role at the start...
    Making history curious: Using Initial Stimulus Material (ISM) to promote enquiry, thinking and literacy
  • Enrichment Opportunities

      Briefing Pack
    Background History can be used to enrich students' experience of education in many ways.  Everything has a history and links can be made with, and support given to most other subjects.  Opportunities can be provided to classes, whole year groups, across year groups, or to individuals. Enrichment can be as...
    Enrichment Opportunities
  • Lenses, mirrors and bridges: one department’s holistic approach to diversifying and decolonising local history

      Teaching History article
    As was the case for many heads of history, Jack Brown was prompted by the Black Lives Matter protests of 2020 to reflect afresh on the content and questions asked within his school’s history curriculum, paying particular attention to local history. In this article he sets out the principles and...
    Lenses, mirrors and bridges: one department’s holistic approach to diversifying and decolonising local history
  • Causation maps: emphasising chronology in causation exercises

      Teaching History article
    Analogies for teaching about causation abound. Rick Rogers is alert, however, to the risks inherent in drawing on everyday ideas to explain historical processes. What most often gets lost is the importance of the chronological dimension; both the length of time during which some contributory causes may have been present,...
    Causation maps: emphasising chronology in causation exercises
  • Structuring learning for beginning teachers

      Multipage Article
    This section focuses on the topic of structuring learning for beginning history teachers. That is, organising training so that beginning teachers can make good progress in their professional development. Within the section, there is advice and guidance about working with adult learners (as opposed to children) and about building a...
    Structuring learning for beginning teachers
  • Building local history into the curriculum

      Teaching History article
    Neil Bates and Robert Bowry have chosen to tackle the issue of curriculum coherence by including local history, both as starting point for new students joining the school in Year 7 and as a golden thread running throughout their Key Stage 3 curriculum. In this article they explain the rationale...
    Building local history into the curriculum
  • Local significant individuals

      HA regional resources
    The National Curriculum specifies a local study both at Key Stages 1 and 2. Basing your local study around an individual is a great way to bring the heritage of your locality to life. Many of these individuals are part of larger national events and changes and seeing these changes at...
    Local significant individuals