HA News

  • HA Primary Survey 2010

    19th October 2010

    Take part and win £75 worth of M&S Vouchers!As the prospect of a full curriculum review grows ever stronger, we at the Historical Association understand that teachers need to get their voices heard. With this in mind, we have designed our 2010 survey of history in primary schools.We cannot urge...

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  • New Teaching Pack helps Children learn about their heritage

    25th September 2010

    Going and Coming...Going and Coming is a fantastic resource which supports pupils and teachers in many curriculum areas, but especially Citizenship, PSHE, History and Geography. It can help address issues related to identity, diversity, citizenship and community.On this site are hundreds of stories - with text, images and voice interviews...

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  • Write Your Own Historical Story Competition 2010: Escape from Pompeii

    12th September 2010

    Write Your Own Historical Story Competition 2010. As part of this competition the winners were invited to have their stories published on the Historical Association website. In the best stories pupils deliberately drew upon the historical fiction writer's devices to write well. They had clearly been explicitly taught how to...

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  • Engaging Places New Resources

    2nd September 2010

    New school year, new ideas Engaging Places helps take the stress out of planning for your new school year. With lesson plans, teaching activities and resources for a range of key stages and subjects, it helps you create unforgettable lessons.Lesson plans for KS2 EnglishYour local environment can help produce great...

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  • Big Global Society: unlocking social action on global issues

    2nd September 2010

    A national conference on Tuesday 2nd November 2010.Why the Big Global Society?The Coalition government has emphasised the importance of the Big Society, but it has focused primarily on local initiatives. To be a truly big society, and to meet the challenges of international poverty and climate change, we need to...

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  • Young Historian Awards 2010 Winners!

    29th August 2010

    This initiative has been celebrating the achievements of young historians in schools for over twenty years. It is largely funded by the Historical Association and the Spirit of Normandy Trust. It has an annual award scheme and also funds some special events, such as the annual Young Historian Day at...

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  • The Future of History in our Schools Debate 2010

    29th July 2010

    Whether you have children or not, whether you're a teacher or not, if you have a love of History this debate matters to you. The media and politicians like nothing better than to comment on what children do or do not know - and History gets it in the neck...

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  • My Name is Nero. Write Your Own Historical Story Competition 2010.

    20th July 2010

    Write Your Own Historical Story Competition 2010. As part of this competition the winners were invited to have their stories published on the Historical Association website. In the best stories pupils deliberately drew upon the historical fiction writer's devices to write well. They had clearly been explicitly taught how to...

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  • The Battle of Britain 70th anniversary

    14th July 2010

    Churchill's famous speech, given 70 years ago this summer, came during the Battle of Britain, one of the key conflicts of the Second World War. The battle saw British and German pilots warring in the skies over Britain for several months from July 1940. You can find digitised combat reports...

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  • Why History? Why Me?

    30th June 2010

    What is History? History, the study of the past, is all around us; we are continually making history through our thoughts, words and actions. History is personal and global; it is everyday life and momentous occasions. History is about people.Through our study of the past, we can understand how our...

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