White Bird

By R. J. Palacio (inked by Kevin Czap)

White Bird

Charlie's review:

I really enjoyed reading the book as I thought it had an amazing storyline and was sad and emotional at the same time. I found the character of Julien most interesting as he had polio and that forced him to have walk around with crutches and made his life a lot more difficult. I found all the characters had their own story, so I did not dislike any of the characters. No, I did not learn anything about the past from the book. The time setting of when Germany occupied France during WW2 made the book very exiting and gave you a look inside their life during German occupation. The plot was exiting but also serious as the ending was very depressing. The bit that most stands out from the book is when the German soldiers take all the disabled and mentally unwell people up into the hills and massacre them, this stands out because of how brutal it is. I would recommend this book to others. I did not know what polio was but now I know what it is.

Emmanuel's review:

I enjoyed reading White Bird because it was very thrilling and had an amazing climax. I found the character Julien the most interesting as he battles polio and severe bullying. I disliked Vincent because he went out of his way just to be horrible to Jews and to hurt Julien. I learnt about the French Maquisards which I hadn’t heard of before and also that the Nazis used cripples for target practice which I found very shocking. I was also interested in how some Jews escaped being purged by the Nazis. The plot was exciting, thought provoking and very serious. What stands out in the book is the mind-set of the protagonist. I would definitely recommend this book to other students. The book certainly helped me add to my vocabulary.

Henry's review:

I enjoyed this book because of the style as it was a comic which would draw people my age in as it is fun to read as well as being about something serious.

The character I found most interesting was the disabled boy as he shows how much people did look after Jews during World War 2 and that they didn’t all agree with Hitler.

I learnt that everybody was very suspicious of the people around them during the war such as when the boy’s family assumes that the next door neighbours are Nazi but actually you find out that they are not.

The time it was set in was World War 2 so it was very interesting to hear an actual story about this time of destruction and grief.

This book was very serious even though it was a comic and it taught people more about the war and other conflict and discrimination to a certain group of people.

I learnt some new words in French from this book and it does have some exciting words in it.

I would definitely recommend this book to other pupils to read and enjoy.

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