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  • Getting personal: making effective use of historical fiction in the history classroom.

    Writing stories in history lessons? But we don’t do things like that in history do we? Strange bedfellows though history and fiction might seem, Dave Martin and Beth Brooke make a strong case for collaboration between the English and history departments in order to introduce students to the challenging task...
    Getting personal: making effective use of historical fiction in the history classroom.
  • So, what exactly does an AST do?

    Professional development lies at the heart of any thriving, forward-thinking profession. In teaching, however, despite the government’s recent drive to ‘modernise’ the profession, it can still be a bit hit and miss. What are the opportunities for ambitious and successful teachers of history to widen their horizons and engage in...
    So, what exactly does an AST do?
  • Historical significance - the forgotten 'Key Element'?

    How many history departments regularly discuss the quality of their enquiries and teaching processes that relate to historical significance? It would not be unusual, in 2002, for a history department to spend time in a department meeting reflecting upon pupils’ learning about causation or to explore the connection between pupils’...
    Historical significance - the forgotten 'Key Element'?
  • Illuminating the shadow: making progress happen in casual thinking through speaking and listening

    Here is another breath of fresh air from the Thomas Tallis history department. In TH 103, Head of Department Tony Hier showed how he developed a rigorous framework for implementing government initiatives and improving departmental professional discourse at the same time. This time, from history teacher Vaughan Clark, we get...
    Illuminating the shadow: making progress happen in casual thinking through speaking and listening
  • Cunning Plan 101: how emailing enhanced students' debating skills

    Richard Harris and Diana Laffin describe how e-mailing enhanced their students' debating skills.
    Cunning Plan 101: how emailing enhanced students' debating skills
  • Computers don't bite! Your first tentative steps in using ICT in the classroom.

    This article is for beginners. It will also provide perspectives and ideas for those training history teachers in the use of ICT for improving pupils’ learning. Drawing upon his experience in managing the HA’s NOF training programme, Alf Wilkinson outlines some practical activities that are ideal for getting the novice...
    Computers don't bite! Your first tentative steps in using ICT in the classroom.
  • Myths and Monty Python: using the witch-hunts to introduce students to significance

    In this article Kerry Apps introduces students to the significance of the witch-hunts in the modern era, at the time when they occurred, and in the middle of the eighteenth century. She presents her rationale for choosing the witch-hunts as a focus for the study of significance, and shows how her thinking about her teaching has evolved through her evaluation of her students’...
    Myths and Monty Python: using the witch-hunts to introduce students to significance