Careers with history: Stock Market Analyst

Choosing history

Interview with Nick Holmes, Société Générale

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Nick Holmes studied History to Masters level and is now a Stock Market Analyst for Société Générale. Nick also recently published a book entitled The Byzantine World War. His job is to analyse companies on the stock market, assessing their value and their company strategies and how this affects their value, advising people whether to buy or sell stock in these companies. Although he did not initially think history was relevant to business, he now feels that the analytical skills a historian learns are very similar to the work he does now. Where he used to write essays on the French government in exile during the Second World War, he now writes concise analytical summaries about companies, which he argues, are very similar to the skills he learnt as a history student. To anyone good at history who is unsure if they want a career related to it, he says to go for it! History is the best subject for the widest range of possible careers, and there is almost no career where having to analyse objectively is not vital.

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