Exemplar Application 2: Primary: Experienced Early Years Practitioner

Stuart Boydell is a primary Early Years practitioner and history lead of 17 years’ experience. He was a journalist before becoming a teacher and has also recently completed the History Quality Mark with his school.

All applicants must supply an application form, CV and scanned copies of their relevant qualification certificates. These have not been supplied as part of this exemplar for data protection purposes. What follows is an exemplar of the 1000 word statement, supporting evidence and the CPD log that Stuart provided to support his application.

The CPD log must indicate at least 36 hours of history CPD undertaken over the last 12 months. This must be CPD undertaken rather than CPD the applicant has delivered. A wide range of activities are permissible as CPD. Please take a look at the exemplar CPD logs and our FAQs page for guidance.

Stuart has laid his application out in a similar way to Bev Forrest in exemplar 1, by clearly indicating where supporting evidence can be found for his statement in the margin. He has also chosen to split his statement into personal and professional practice.

The panel felt that his selected evidence supported his application well and that the range of experience he has cited both supported his on-going engagement and interest with the subject and enhancing his own and the schools’ provision and practice. He was able to evidence very diverse kinds of continued engagement with history and history teaching, for example his own published academic research and deep engagement with educational psychology as related to young children’s learning. He has made a significant contribution here in publishing EYFS materials on the HA website.  There is less evidence of leading others’ learning but the establishment of the local prep and pre-prep history cluster group provides sufficient evidence.

Attached below you will find Stuart’s 1000 word statement plus 9 pieces of evidence and a CPD log. The specified maximum pieces of evidence are 6. However, Stuart encountered difficulty limiting his evidence. For the purpose of the pilot of the programme, the panel agreed to consider 8 pieces of evidence, but it should be noted that this will not be the case under normal operation of the programme.

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