Education news

  • New National Curriculum 2014 Website

    7th November 2014

    The History Subject Expert Advisory group on the new National Curriculum 2014 have constructed a new website. The purpose of the site is to offer support to teachers and teacher educators to plan for the implementation of the 2014 history National Curriculum. It aims to clarify the changes that the...

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  • Does 'history for all' have a future? Annual survey findings 2014

    5th November 2014

    ‘History for all' is a phrase that has been used by many, including politicians, and historical knowledge has long been viewed as an essential part of a citizens' understanding of Britain and the wider world. Unfortunately, the HA annual survey for 2014 has revealed that bit by small bit that...

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  • A new series of titles from the HA

    25th October 2014

    History E-Readers provide a brief introduction and overview of current research on a variety of topics and provide a handy reading list for those who want to delve further into the subjects. Current titles are available as E-books for your Kindle or other e-book devices from Amazon. Current Titles include:...

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  • Concerns over future of teacher training

    17th October 2014

    The Historical Association and Royal Historical Society raise concerns over the move away from subject-centred teacher trainingThe Initial Teacher Training allocations for 2015-16 announced by the National College for Teaching and Leadership present a profound threat to the quality of future history teaching.These cuts will severely damage the highly effective...

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  • Young Historian Awards 2014

    2nd October 2014

    Spirit of Normandy Trust Award for Primary SchoolsThis year's Spirit of Normandy Trust Young Historian Award for Primary Schools has been awarded to St Stephen's Primary School at Fradley.  The Young Historian Awards are organized by the Young Historian Project, whose objective is to encourage and promote high standards of...

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  • An interview with outgoing president Jackie Eales 2014

    30th August 2014

    An au revoir but not goodbye from outgoing HA President Professor Jackie Eales Jackie Eales has been an enthusiastic President for the last three years who has been very happy to visit many of the branches to give lectures and to assist in key HA events. Jackie's lectures at the...

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  • The start of the First World War

    1st August 2014

    From the 28 June 1914 till the end of July 1914 the world held its breath; would Europe be thrown into war? We now know that the answer was yes.Diplomacy had failed, some would say it never really stood a chance, others will argue that nothing was inevitable until the...

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  • Richard Evans Medlicott lecture: The Origins of the First World War

    1st August 2014

    This year the Historical Association's Medlicott medal for services to history went to Professor Sir Richard Evans. Richard Evans is the Regius Professor of History at Cambridge and President of Wolfson College, Cambridge. He has written numerous highly respected and internationally best-selling books. Evans is bests known for his works on...

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  • Young Quills 2013 Winners Announced

    3rd July 2014

    The Historical Association announces the winners of the Young Quills for Historical Fiction 2013 The ‘Young Quills' Award for Historical Fiction recognises the powerful role that fiction can have for introducing, informing and exciting young people about historical events, characters and places. The competition has two categories - Primary and...

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  • Write Your Own Historical Story Competition 2014

    24th June 2014

    Write Your Own Historical Story Competition and the Joan Blyth Memorial Prize 2014. Once again the competition has been a success with 101 stories from 40 schools across the country, and a couple from abroad. All the entries are admirably creative. Our young writers have chosen to set their stories...

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