Your HA Virtual Branch
Keep learning with our online programme of talks
Your branch from home
The HA Virtual Branch is a great way to keep your history up-to-date, whether you are working or relaxing, all from the comfort of your home. The Virtual Branch is free and open to everybody, and recordings of the talks are made available online after the event for HA members.
Did you know? As well as accessing session recordings, members can attend talks held by HA local branches for free, plus exclusive members' webinars and short courses, and a variety of other benefits. Find out more.
Upcoming talks
*LIVE - Tuesday 17 September, 7.30pm
The Vagabond v. the Mendicity Society: Fear and Loathing on the Streets of London
Dr Oskar Jensen
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In this talk Dr Jensen will discuss how Red Lion Square had long been one of London's most genteel addresses, home to nobles, scholars, and professionals. But on 25 March 1818, one house on the south side opened its doors to quite another class of person, as the Mendicity Society began its business. Read more
*LIVE - 1 October 2024, 7.30pm
Challenging claims that egalitarian, peaceful societies disappeared with the founding of agriculture or with the founding of state-level social organisation
Dr Alvin Finkel
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Yuval Harari has offered the view that early humans, out of necessity, lived in egalitarian, peaceful societies that represented true civilisation, standing on its head the notion that early societies were primitive and unsophisticated. His claim, however, that an ‘agricultural revolution’ wiped clean the democratic, egalitarian ideals of hundreds of thousands of human experience has been challenged by David Graeber and David Wengrow, who point out that early agricultural societies maintained the value of foraging societies. They suggest that the creation of state-level societies was the real villain in destroying the truly human values of early societies. Read more
*LIVE - 6 November 2024, 7.30pm
A recycled Renaissance? The cultural world of Elizabethan England
Professor Emma Smith
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In this talk, Professor Smith will provide a preview of her current research, which explores the lives, reads and cultural undercurrents of Elizabethan England. What was influencing their cultural tastes and how much of it was new, or had it all been seen before? Read more
*LIVE - 11 December 2024, 7.30pm
Crusader criminals
Dr Steve Tibble
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The religious wars of the Crusades are renowned for their military engagements. But the period was witness to brutality beyond the battlefield. More so than any other medieval war zone, the Holy Land was rife with unprecedented levels of criminality and violence. Read more
*LIVE - 14 January 2025, 7.30pm
The Fall: last days of the English Republic
Dr Henry Reece
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Oliver Cromwell’s death in 1658 sparked a period of unrivalled turmoil and confusion in English history. In less than two years, there were close to ten changes of government; rival armies of Englishmen faced each other across the Scottish border; and the Long Parliament was finally dissolved after two decades. Why was this period so turbulent, and why did the republic, backed by a formidable standing army, come crashing down in such spectacular fashion? In this talk, Dr Reece will address some of these questions. Read more
Past lecture recordings
If you've missed any of our previous Virtual Branch talks, HA members can access recordings below. Not already a member? Join today
Local HA Branches
The HA has over 45 local branches around the country. Some of these have been able to return to their venues for their monthly talks. Others have decided to make their branch programmes online via Zoom – this provides a wonderful opportunity for you to see some of the great lectures that occur across the country as part of the HA. Check our branch calendar for full listings.
If you're a teacher don't forget that we also run our regular calendar of CPD events - view the secondary webinar calendar here and the primary calendar here.
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