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  • Professor Justin Champion

      18th June 2020
    With great sadness the Historical Association has learned of the death of our former President, Professor Justin Champion on 10th June after a long illness. Justin was President of the Historical Association from May 2014 until May 2017 and he was a very popular choice, partly because of his background...
    Professor Justin Champion
  • Support your branch: FAQs

      Volunteering to help your local branch
    Our local branches are all run by volunteers. Joining your local branch committee can be a wonderful way to get more involved with history. What roles are there within each branch?  Each branch has three formal branch officers: the Chair (or President), the Branch Secretary and the Branch Treasurer. Alongside those...
    Support your branch: FAQs
  • VE Day 75: free home learning resource

      5th May 2020
    Lots of organisations in the UK had exciting plans to commemorate the 75th anniversary of VE Day but unfortunately many of them will not now go ahead because of the Covid-19 situation. However, that doesn’t mean that young people can’t begin to understand why the first May bank holiday has...
    VE Day 75: free home learning resource
  • The Historian 127: Agincourt

      The magazine of the Historical Association
    This edition of HA's The Historian magazine is free to download in full via the link at the bottom of the page (individual article links within the page are not free access unless otherwise stated). For a subscription to The Historian (published quarterly), access to over 300 podcasts and our huge library...
    The Historian 127: Agincourt
  • Agincourt 1415-2015

      Historian article
    Agincourt has become one of a small number of iconic events in our collective memory. Anne Curry explores how succeeding generations have exploited its significance. In his budget statement of 18 March 2015 the Chancellor of the Exchequer, George Osborne, announced £1m had been awarded to commemorate the 600th anniversary...
    Agincourt 1415-2015
  • Move Me On 96: Struggling with language register - getting pitch right

      Teaching History feature
    This Issue's Problem: John Ball is having difficulty getting his language register right Problem: John is several weeks into his first school placement. He is very much enjoying the PGCE course. It is proving to be the intellectual and practical challenge that he hoped. He has come to the course...
    Move Me On 96: Struggling with language register - getting pitch right
  • Teaching History 178: Out now

      The HA's journal for secondary history teachers
    Read Teaching History 178 Constructing Accounts Teachers of history have long recognised the tensions inherent in our role. We must deal with the existence of notions of a core narrative (or narratives) of areas of the past, communicating what those notions are while enabling our students to engage critically with...
    Teaching History 178: Out now
  • Teaching History 160: Evidential Rigour

      The HA's journal for secondary history teachers
    02 Editorial 03 HA Secondary News 04 HA Update 08 The power of context: the portrait of Dido Elizabeth Belle Lindsay and Lady Elizabeth Murray - Jane Card (Read article) 16 ‘Miss, did this really happen here?' Exploring big overviews through local depth - Rachel Foster and Kath Goudie (Read article) 26 Teaching the...
    Teaching History 160: Evidential Rigour
  • Become a Branch Officer

      Support the HA through this vital role
    To begin with the obvious, the life-blood of any branch is its membership. However, that life-blood needs a heart to ensure the vitality of the branch, and that heart is the branch committee: a group of dedicated individuals who regularly give their time and effort to the smooth running of...
    Become a Branch Officer
  • Teaching History 177: Out now

      The HA's journal for secondary history teachers
    Read Teaching History 177 Building Knowledge As regular readers will know, the theme for each issue of Teaching History is usually determined in response to the range of proposals that the editors receive. Given the current focus within the education system in England on how knowledge is built cumulatively over...
    Teaching History 177: Out now
  • Gordon Batho Local History Award for Schools

      HA Award
    The HA will be introducing an annual award for a local history resource that can be used in schools. It will be named in honour of Professor Gordon Batho, a former trustee and benefactor of the HA. It will be open to any individual or organisation producing such resources. This...
    Gordon Batho Local History Award for Schools
  • Podcast: The Life and Significance of Alan Turing

    In this podcast Dr Tommy Dickinson of the University of Manchester discusses the life and significance of Alan Turing. Please note this is only the first section of the full podcast which is available to HA Members Alan Mathison Turing, (23 June 1912–7 June 1954) was a British pioneering computer scientist, mathematician,...
    Podcast: The Life and Significance of Alan Turing
  • Great Debate FAQs

      The Great Debate
    Below are some frequently asked questions about the Great Debate and the logistics of the heats. If you need more information, you can get in touch with us directly at How does the debate work? Each student will have five minutes to deliver their argument in response to the...
    Great Debate FAQs
  • Analysing Anne Frank: a case study in the teaching of thinking skills

      Teaching History article
    For those lucky history departments in and around Newcastle this article will not be news. Peter Fisher alludes to the quasi-religious atmosphere that is often discernible amongst history teachers who have been working with the Thinking Skills groups linked to University of Newcastle Department of Education. He is not exaggerating...
    Analysing Anne Frank: a case study in the teaching of thinking skills
  • Young Historian Awards 2019 – Winners

      Annual competition, HA and The Spirit of Normandy Trust
    Each year the Historical Association partners with The Spirit of Normandy Trust to award young historians who have shown excellent knowledge and demonstrated historical argument around a subject associated with a series of themes. The competition is divided into age brackets and the entry at secondary level is by essay judged...
    Young Historian Awards 2019 – Winners
  • Choosing History

    Just as history has made our world what it is, history can also be a key part of your future. Learn how studying history informs the present and gives you the skills you need to prepare for the future. Apart from being very interesting, history is useful for a host of...
    Choosing History
  • Peterloo 200

      The bicentenary of the Peterloo massacre
    16 August 2019 marks 200 years since the events of Peterloo – known to many as the Peterloo massacre – when peaceful protesters were mowed down by a cavalry charge at St Peter’s Field in Manchester. The 60,000–80,000 strong crowd had gathered as part of a campaign to demand greater...
    Peterloo 200
  • Why did regional variations exist in the prosecution of witches between 1580-1650

      Historian article
    Regional variations in the intensity of European witchhunting existed because the necessary preconditions for panic chain-reaction hunts were only constantly in place in a very small number of regions. More than 35,000 witchcraft executions took place in the Holy Roman Empire where there was a wide acceptance of the cumulative...
    Why did regional variations exist in the prosecution of witches between 1580-1650
  • Suffrage Poster Competition Winners

      17th July 2019
    Congratulations to four students from Newport Girls' High School – Daniah, Romaisa, Hetavi and Saira – who created the winning poster for our Suffrage competition. The poster had a modern message while demonstrating research and inspiration from a local suffragist from the past. The judges at the HA were very...
    Suffrage Poster Competition Winners
  • Global Learning & Critical Thinking

    Critical thinking GLP-E aims: Young people will also develop the skills to interpret that knowledge in order to make judgements about global poverty. In this way they will be able to: think critically about global issues. The GLP has a strong focus on developing young people's knowledge and understanding of...
    Global Learning & Critical Thinking
  • Centenary of the Treaty of Versailles 1919

      1st July 2019
    The end of June 2019 marked the centenary of the formal ending of the First World War. 11 November 1918 was only the Armistice – it needed a peace treaty to truly end the war. The Treaty of Versailles between the Allies and Germany was signed on 28 June 1919:...
    Centenary of the Treaty of Versailles 1919
  • Teaching History 175: Out now

      24th June 2019
    The effort to discern hidden voices is intrinsic to the integrity of historical practice. The professional historian poring over primary sources strives to establish who can be heard in any text or artefact, which voices are being inadvertently favoured or what light further voices might shed on the question in...
    Teaching History 175: Out now
  • Global Learning & Critical Thinking

    Critical thinkingGLP-E aims: Young people will also develop the skills to interpret that knowledge in order to make judgements about global poverty. In this way they will be able to:think critically about global issues.The GLP has a strong focus on developing young people's knowledge and understanding of development, and in...
    Global Learning & Critical Thinking
  • HA Conference Round-up 2019

      3rd June 2019
    We knew the line-up of speakers was good, we knew that the historic city of Chester was a great choice, we knew the hotel would be welcoming, we knew we were going to cover around 2,000 years’ worth of history from the Romans to the current day in two days...
    HA Conference Round-up 2019
  • Ordinary pupils, extraordinary results: a structured approach to raising attainment at GCSE

    It is a very common complaint that history GCSE is unfairly demanding compared with other subjects. Well, it probably is. But that does not stop history at Robert Clack School from outperforming every other subject except art. Nor is this the story of one of those schools with an unusually...
    Ordinary pupils, extraordinary results: a structured approach to raising attainment at GCSE