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  • Historical Association Privacy Notice

    The Historical Association is committed to the protection of your privacy. We take your rights seriously and treat all the information you give us with care. This privacy notice explains how and why we collect, store and use the personal data you give us, to ensure you stay informed and...
    Historical Association Privacy Notice
  • RAF100 Schools Project

      Project and website launch
    The Historical Association and the Institute of Physics have teamed up to deliver an exciting project for school and youth groups as part of the Royal Air Force centenary celebrations. The RAF100 Schools Project uniquely uses the professional understanding of historians and physicists working in education to create an active...
    RAF100 Schools Project
  • Starting a new Branch

      Organising and running an HA branch
    The Historical Association and its branches Branches have been an essential part of the Historical Association since it began. They exist in all parts of the United Kingdom and take a variety of forms. A branch provides a local forum to bring together all those with an interest in history:...
    Starting a new Branch
  • Emotional response or objective enquiry? Using shared stories and a sense of place in the study of interpretations for GCSE

    In this article, Andrew Wrenn explores some issues that teachers might consider when supporting 14 and 15 year olds in their study of war memorials as historical interpretations. Tony McAleavy has argued that ‘popular' and ‘personal' interpretations and representations are just as worthy of study at Key Stage 3 as...
    Emotional response or objective enquiry? Using shared stories and a sense of place in the study of interpretations for GCSE
  • Teaching History Curriculum Supplement 2014

      Changes to the secondary history curriculum
    Although modifications to the content of the National Curriculum for history have not been as dramatic as once feared, the effective revocation of the previous attainment target is radical indeed. When these changes are considered alongside the fact that more than half of maintained secondary schools (all academies and free...
    Teaching History Curriculum Supplement 2014
  • The HA presents books by Asa Briggs to Keighley Library

      28th February 2018
    When Professor Asa Briggs died in 2016, the Historical Association lost a very dear and loyal friend. As a result the decision was made to publish a special edition of The Historian to celebrate the life of Lord Briggs. The intention was to focus on his work and achievements as an...
    The HA presents books by Asa Briggs to Keighley Library
  • AQA Thematic Study on Migration

      GCSE Guide
    The AQA thematic study on migration is designed for students to gain an understanding of how the identity of the people of Britain has been shaped by their interaction with the wider world and also takes in invasion and conquest. Students must understand the ebb and flow of peoples into...
    AQA Thematic Study on Migration
  • The International Journal Volume 12, Number 1

    Editorial Sweden Ethical Values and History: a mutual relationship? Niklas Ammert, Linnaeus University (Kalmar)   Australia  Teaching History Using Feature Films: practitioner acuity and cognitive neuroscientific validation Debra Donnelly, University of Newcastle   Greece  The Difficult Relationship Between the History of the Present and School History in Greece: cinema as...
    The International Journal Volume 12, Number 1
  • Contribute an Article to Teaching History

    Do you have an idea that you'd like to share with the Teaching History community?  It's through member contributions that the HA maintains such a rich subject community - we'd love to hear from you! Please don’t worry about being tentative, and please don’t worry if you have never written before! We really...
    Contribute an Article to Teaching History
  • Move Me On 153: Teaching about genocide

      Teaching History feature
    This issue's problem: Susie Cook is struggling to sustain an emphasis on developing historical knowledge and understanding in teaching about genocide. Susie Cook worked for nearly ten years as a web designer before deciding to move into teaching. Once she had secured her place on the programme she spent several months...
    Move Me On 153: Teaching about genocide
  • HA Secondary History Survey 2012

      HA Survey
    A little over a year ago Michael Gove announced the introduction of the English Baccalaureate (EBacc). It would transform education and rid schools and young people of ‘soft subjects'. However the real impact so far has been less than impressive. Those schools that already taught history well to GCSE continued...
    HA Secondary History Survey 2012
  • Glasgow & West of Scotland Branch Programme

    Glasgow & West of Scotland Branch Programme 2024-25 All meetings are held at 11am on the second Saturday of the month at Kelvinside Hillhead Parish Church Observatory Road, Glasgow West End G12 9AR. For any branch enquiries please telephone Marie Davidson on 0141 956 1172   12 October 2024 Emile...
    Glasgow & West of Scotland Branch Programme
  • The Origins of the Local Government Service

      Historian article
    The concept ‘local government’ dates only from the middle of the nineteenth century. ‘Local government service’ emerged later still. In 1903 Redlich and Hirst1 wrote of ‘municipal officers’, while in 1922 Robson2 preferred ‘the municipal civil service’. ‘Local government service’ perhaps derives its pedigree from its use in the final...
    The Origins of the Local Government Service
  • Cardiff Branch Programme

    Cardiff Branch Programme 2024-25 Branch contact All enquiries to Professor Peter Edbury Venue: All talks are on Zoom and free to all.   Putting Welsh History on Television   Wednesday 13th November 2024   Time: 7pm Venue: Via Zoom Description: Producer of the epoch-making television history of Wales "The Dragon has Two Tongues"(1985) voiced...
    Cardiff Branch Programme
  • Case Study: Using Archives Creatively

      Primary History article
    Editorial note: Further details of this project and others can be found in Using Archives Creatively (Chapter 4) in ‘Teaching History Creatively' edited by Hilary Cooper published by Routledge in December 2012. Archive Centres support innovative teaching Using archive documentation Some teachers, especially those with little training in teaching History,...
    Case Study: Using Archives Creatively
  • Curriculum

    The Historical Association provides a wealth of resources to help teachers to develop and refine their subject knowledge for all areas of the secondary history curriculum. We also provide guidance related to key developments in the curriculum, such as revised version of the National Curriculum (2014) and on-going developments related...
  • Significance

      Key Concepts
    Please note: these links were compiled in 2009. For a more recent resource, please see: What's the Wisdom on: Historical significance.  This selection of Teaching History articles on 'Significance' are highly recommended reading to anyone who wants to get to grips with this key concept. All Teaching History articles are free to HA Secondary Members...
  • North-West Ulster Branch Programme

    North-West Ulster Branch Programme 2023-24 chairman: Jim McBride,; secretary: Emmet O’Connor, treasurer: tba board members: James McQuillan, Andrew Maguire, Will Burton     Over the academic year 2023-24 the branch intends to organize the following lectures to support AS and A2 level (CCEA) History students preparing for their...
    North-West Ulster Branch Programme
  • Planning a Victorian School Day

      Primary History article
    Learning is more engaging and better retained when it is contextualised and when it appeals to a variety of learning styles. How better to bring history alive, than by having it invade children's school environment and transform their everyday experience? Getting away from predominantly auditory learning, the printed word and...
    Planning a Victorian School Day
  • Visiting Vectis

      Historian feature
    The Isle of Wight Visiting Norwegians must be puzzled why so large and populous an island does not have bridge or tunnel access to the mainland. These have been proposed but wars have intervened and many local people like to preserve their difference from the mainland by resisting better connections...
    Visiting Vectis
  • An Interview with Antony Beevor (Film)

      Antony Beevor, the Medlicott Medal awardee for 2016, tells us his thoughts….
    The 2016 Medlicott Medal for services to history will be presented to Antony Beevor this July. He is a popular historian with a loyal following while also being a heavy duty writer whose preparation and research for each of his books takes him years and into archives across the world....
    An Interview with Antony Beevor (Film)
  • Out and about in Glasgow

      Historian feature
    Glasgow's George Square statues -‘Through the looking glass' History is often illumined by writers of genius but Glasgow did not produce a Zola, a Balzac, a Dickens or even an Arnold Bennet. We are, therefore, thrown back on looking at other manifestations of a powerful and wealthy city to augment...
    Out and about in Glasgow
  • Primary History at Key Stage 1

      Primary Expert Podcasts
    In this series of podcasts Dr Penelope Harnett, UWE and Sarah Whitehouse Senior Primary Lecturer at University of the West of England examine good history at Key Stage 1. 1. Chronology  2. What should history at Key Stage 1 do? Local History3. Family Histories4. The Importance of Play5. Stories 6. Using sources: artefacts,...
    Primary History at Key Stage 1
  • Public History Courses

      Continuing Professional Development
    What is Public History? Public History is about understanding how the past has affected, and is used by, the present. It brings history to life and helps us understand the relationship between the past and the public at present. Public History can involve history in the community, and a Public...
    Public History Courses
  • The George Square Statues

    Collectively, the 12 statues in the Square with Wellington adjacent comprise a superb history of the nineteenth century both locally and nationally. The statues fall into 5 groups: royalty – Victoria and Albert; politics – Oswald, Peel, Gladstone; literature – Scott, Burns, Campbell; military – Moore, Clyde; science & technology...
    The George Square Statues