
Victorian Britain

You could start the Victorians with a story.

See the Victorian chimney sweep short lesson exemplar and the Upstairs Downstairs story in the History section of the Urban Spaces material.

Lessons and short lesson exemplars available on this site:

Background information for teachers
Victorian Britain:a brief history

Maths link: Processing, representing, and interpreting data in Maths at KS2:

Florence Nightingale was a statistician, and it was her presentation of data which convinced her that most deaths in the Crimean War were from sickness not wounds. See her coxcomb diagram

Urban spaces cross-curricular work
This topic has ideas for field work in History, Literacy, Art & Design, and Science.

Short lessons

Victorian chimney-sweep (story-telling)
Queen Victoria and the train (drama)
Scott and Amundsen (children writing)
Questioning a Victorian doll (using objects)
Victorian school advertisement (reading documents)
Using Victorian artefacts (learning about time)


Brunel and Clifton Suspension Bridge
Children in Victorian Britain: Down the Mine
Children in Victorian Britain: Henry at boarding school
Victorian child labour in textile factories
Victorian child labour: slate mining
Investigating Victorian mining disasters

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