Essex Branch Programme
Essex Branch Programme 2024 - 25
Talks on Saturdays, 2.30pm, Trinity Methodist Church, Rainsford Road, Chelmsford, CM1 2XB. Please check the calendar on this website for details.
Visitors and prospective members warmly welcomed - £3, Associate Members fee £10.00 / £15.00 for 2 members at same address
Branch Contact: Tony Tuckwell...
Essex Branch Programme
Bath Branch Programme
Bath Branch Programme 2024-25
Entry to lectures is free for national HA members and Bath branch local members who have paid an annual subscription. Visitors are welcome and are asked to pay £5 per lecture.
For more information please contact Mike Short, Branch Secretary, mikeshort20@btinternet.com or 01225 812945.
Lectures begin...
Bath Branch Programme
The Spanish Armada
Lesson Plan
Please note: this resource pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum.
This is a highly interactive and stimulating simulation for years 3 and 4, and a very effective way of involving children in a range of issues.
We introduced the story of the Armada, outlining the main parties involved and the nature...
The Spanish Armada
Vikings settle down
Lesson Plan (KS2)
Please note: this lesson was produced as part of the Nuffield Primary History project (1991-2009) and pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum. It is part of a full sequence of lessons available here.
This resource is free to everyone. For access to hundreds of other high-quality resources by primary history experts...
Vikings settle down
An integrated literacy and history unit of work
Primary History article
The passing of Harry Patch - the last World War I veteran - in the summer of 2009 is a fitting starting point for children in Key Stage 2 (7-11 year-olds) to begin to tackle some of the issues of the First World War. Many classes already study the Second...
An integrated literacy and history unit of work
Asses, archers and assumptions: strategies for improving thinking skills in history in Years 9 to 13
Teaching History article
Thinking skills’ is a term that has been substantially over-used. It often seems to be rather a lazy shorthand for justifying the teaching of history by suddenly bolting on some ‘thinking’ - as if history is not all about thought in the first place. Arthur Chapman suggests using techniques from...
Asses, archers and assumptions: strategies for improving thinking skills in history in Years 9 to 13
Canterbury Branch Programme
Canterbury Branch Programme 2024-25
Branch contact: All enquiries to Mike Gallagher – mike.gallagher79@yahoo.co.uk
Venue: All talks start at 7.00pm at venues in Canterbury (specified below).
Associate membership £10 per year. Talks free to national HA members and students, visitors £5.
Twitter @CanterburyHA
Tuesday 10th September 2024, 4.30pm
Committee Meeting...
Canterbury Branch Programme
Sheffield Branch Programme
Sheffield Branch Programme 2024-25
Venue: Lecture Theatre, Grayson Building, Birkdale School, Oakholme Road, S10 3DH. Entrance via the Endcliffe Crescent gate. Parking available.
Meetings are usually held on the first or second Thursday of the month, doors will open at 7pm and the lecture will start at 7.30pm promptly...
Sheffield Branch Programme
Mid-Ulster Your Place and Mine (Bursary Project)
Local Study
Keith Wysner, Principal of Knockloughrim Primary School, Magherafelt, Northern Ireland was awarded a £900 grant from the Historical Association's Joan Lewin fund for his Bursary Project entitled Mid Ulster Your Place & Mine. The project focused on 10 & 11 year olds in the rural Protestant communities of Knockloughrim & Maghera...
Mid-Ulster Your Place and Mine (Bursary Project)
Richmond & Twickenham Branch Programme
Entry to meetings is free for HA members, non-members £2.00 per meeting. Local membership of the Branch is £14.00 per year.
All Meetings begin at 8pm and take place at Richmond Library Annexe, Quadrant Road, Richmond upon Thames,TW9 1DH. Quadrant Road is between Specsavers and Lloyds Bank on the Quadrant.
Richmond & Twickenham Branch Programme
Isle of Wight Branch Programme
Branch contact: All enquiries to Caroline Jacobs jacobscme@gmail.com tel: 07988 171 708
Venue: All talks take place at Newport Minster, St Thomas’ Square, NEWPORT, IW PO30 1BG, starting at 7.30pm and finishing at approximately 9.00pm, unless otherwise stated. Doors open at 7.00pm
Associate membership: £10 per year. Talks free to...
Isle of Wight Branch Programme
Key Concepts at Key Stage 3
Key Concepts
Please note: This unit was produced before the 2014 National Curriculum and therefore while much of the advice is still useful, there may be some out of date references or links. For more recent resources on key concepts, see our What's the Wisdom on series.
The key concepts can be divided into three...
Key Concepts at Key Stage 3
Bruce! You're history.' The place of history in the Scottish curriculum
Teaching History article
History teachers in Scotland are feeling vulnerable. A curriculum review is leading to debates about history’s place in schools – will it or should it be a statutory part of Scotland’s curriculum for 11-14 year olds? Many of the concerns in Sam Henry’s article will ring true for teachers throughout...
Bruce! You're history.' The place of history in the Scottish curriculum
Bolton Branch Programme
Bolton Branch Programme 2024-25
Branch contact All enquiries to Mrs Melissa Wright mwright@boltonschool.org.uk 07912369060
Venue: All talks start at 6.30pm on (mostly) the first Monday of the month, and take place in the Leverhulme Suite @ Bolton School Girls’ Division, Chorley New Road, Bolton, BL1 4PA. Parking...
Bolton Branch Programme
What about history? Lessons from seven years with project-based learning
Teaching History article
Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum and some content may be outdated.
Alternative curriculum models can take many forms. Some seem to be imposed on reluctant history teachers with little opportunity for planning. Other teachers are given the opportunity to really embed and revise models that might...
What about history? Lessons from seven years with project-based learning
Using Historical Sources
Student Guides
This resource is free to everyone. For access to a wealth of other online resources from podcasts to articles and publications, plus support and advice though our “How To”, examination and transition to university guides and careers resources, join the Historical Association today
The sources that you are likely to...
Using Historical Sources
The New Imperialism
Classic Pamphlet
This Classic Pamphlet first published in 1970 comes with a new introduction written by the author M. E. Chamberlain.The New Imperialism - Introduction by M. E. Chamberlain Professor Emeritus at Swansea University. May 2010.When this pamphlet was first published imperialism was a hot political topic and battle raged between Marxist and...
The New Imperialism
What is a Synoptic Essay and How Do I Write One?
Student Guides
This resource is free to everyone. For access to a wealth of other online resources from podcasts to articles and publications, plus support and advice though our “How To”, examination and transition to university guides and careers resources, join the Historical Association today
Part of the A-Level History course now...
What is a Synoptic Essay and How Do I Write One?
Essay Writing
Student Guides
This resource is free to everyone. For access to a wealth of other online resources from podcasts to articles and publications, plus support and advice though our “How To”, examination and transition to university guides and careers resources, join the Historical Association today
History is not just about writing lots...
Essay Writing
Is There A Future In History? Your Questions Answered!
Student Guides
Q: What use is history to me? It's all about the past - how will it help me get a job?
History IS both interesting AND useful!
As a history student, you will never experience the events that you study; instead you have to build up a picture from the...
Is There A Future In History? Your Questions Answered!
Why History? Why Me?
Student Guides
What is History?
History, the study of the past, is all around us; we are continually making history through our thoughts, words and actions. History is personal and global; it is everyday life and momentous occasions. History is about people.
Through our study of the past, we can understand how...
Why History? Why Me?
Social and Political Change: Britain 1800-present
Selected Articles
A selection of articles and publications that link to Social and Political Change in Britain from 1800. These articles are all free to HA Student Members
See also our 5-part Podcast series on Social and Political Change in Britain from 1800
1. The People's PensionPodcast of lecture by Professor Chris Wrigley.
Social and Political Change: Britain 1800-present
British Empire
Selected Articles and Resources
A selection of publications that link to the British Empire. See also our two podcast series The British Empire 1600-1800 and The British Empire 1800-present.
A Commercial Revolution: the rise of a trading empire (Classic pamphlet by Ralph Davis) The pattern of overseas trade is always in movement: new commodities are constantly appearing,...
British Empire
Modern Russia
Selected Articles and Publications
A selection of useful articles on modern Russia and the USSR:
1. Alexander II: Emancipation and Reform in Russia 1855-1881
The ‘great reforms' of Tsar Alexander II (1855-81) are generally recognised as the most significant events in modern Russian history between the reign of Peter the Great and the revolutions...
Modern Russia
An Example of History at University
Student Guides
An Example of History at University.Nottingham University has a History School which was established before the First World War. Its past distinguished scholars include Professor JD Chambers, Professor AW ('Bob') Coats, Professor Jim Holt and Professor Michael Jones.
The School currently has 27 academic staff, with particular strengths in British, German, French,...
An Example of History at University