History news

  • Your HA Virtual Branch

    News Item

    The HA Virtual Branch is a great way to keep your history up-to-date, whether you are working or relaxing, all from the comfort of your home. The Virtual Branch is free and open to everybody, and recordings of the talks are made available online after the event for HA members....

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  • HA News, Autumn 2024

    11th September 2024

    Welcome to the autumn edition of HA News. We have updates on the office team's move back into 59a, and HA President Alexandra Walsham's busy six months travelling the country supporting the HA and its activities, as well as membership, education and competition updates. Dr Dean A. Irwin shares ‘What got me into...

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  • Climate, environment and history

    News Item

    The climate emergency has come to the fore particularly in recent years. Teaching about the environment and climate is a feature of subjects like science and geography, but it is, and should be, the responsibility of every curriculum subject. History has a particular role to play in helping us understand...

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  • Gloucester History Festival – the HA is now involved!

    30th August 2024

    The HA loves a good history lecture (just check out our general activities), so we are delighted to be a sponsor of the Gloucester History Festival. That sponsorship takes the form of shared promotion and a shared passion for history for everyone. The Gloucester History Festival has its roots in...

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  • Helen Snelson, 1969–2024

    30th August 2024

    It is with deep regret that we share the news that our good friend, supporter and Deputy President Helen Snelson passed away at the end of August. After her cancer recurred, she spent her final few days with her husband David, close family and friends. Helen was a passionate history...

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  • Film series: Power and authority in Russia and the Soviet Union

    13th August 2024

    We are delighted to present a new film series examining leadership in Russia and the USSR over the course of the twentieth century. Russia and its history often fascinates the rest of us in Europe as well as horrifying us. She has been our friend and ally, and our physical and ideological...

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  • HA Annual Conference 2025: call for papers

    News Item

    The HA Annual Conference will be held in Liverpool in 2025. This two-day conference on 9–10 May is a leading highlight of the history community's year. It brings together all those working in and who have an active interest in history and heritage. With top-level academics, pedagogical sessions and discussion...

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  • The Historian 162: Out now


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  • Become an Editor of ‘The Historian’

    30th July 2024

    Would you like to join the editorial board of The Historian? We are looking to recruit two new volunteers to the editorial board to help take the lead in implementing our strategy over the coming years. The Historian is the general members’ magazine of the Historical Association. Four editions are...

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  • HA Annual Awards Evening – a night to celebrate

    25th July 2024

    Once a year the Historical Association (HA) holds an awards evening to celebrate some of the incredible people who give their time to support the History community. That support may be through individual endeavour, community activity, educational excellence, the sharing of academic expertise or raising awareness and enthusiasm for our...

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