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  • Portsmouth Branch Programme

    Portsmouth Branch Programme 2024-25 Venue for talks: Room 2.01 Park Building, King Henry I St, Portsmouth PO1 2BZ. All talks start at 7pm and finish no later than 8.30pm. Pay on arrival: £4 per lecture, or £20 for all lectures October to May. Students and HA members free. No need...
    Portsmouth Branch Programme
  • 'Wanted, The Elusive Charlie Peace': A Sheffield Killer Of The 1870s As Popular Hero

      Historian article
    On 28 November 1876, William and John Habron, Irish brothers habitually in trouble with the police, were tried at Manchester Assizes for the murder three months before of Police Constable Nicholas Cock (on the basis of ‘scientific’ footprint evidence at the scene of the crime). The jury found 19 year-old...
    'Wanted, The Elusive Charlie Peace': A Sheffield Killer Of The 1870s As Popular Hero
  • Progression & Assessment without Levels - Guide

      Progression & Assessment
    In the 2014 national curriculum for primary and secondary history one of the key differences is that, for the first time since 1991, there are no level descriptions against which you can assess pupils' progress.  The new attainment target says simply that: ‘By the end of each key stage, pupils...
    Progression & Assessment without Levels - Guide
  • Story, myth and legend: The Story of Atalanta

      Primary History article
    Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum and some content may be outdated. Time and change in stories Everyone loves a story and stories have always been at the heart of early years education. Children can relate their own experiences of time to stories in picture books about other...
    Story, myth and legend: The Story of Atalanta
  • Primary History 58: The Olympics

      The primary education journal of the Historical Association
    THE OLYMPICS: TEACHING HISTORY TODAY 04 Editorial: Nelson Mandela, Apartheid and the Olympics 05 Think Bubble: What ever happened to the Standing Long Jump? - Peter Vass 06 Public celebration of the 1864 Olympian Festival - Dominic Wallis PLANNING FOR THE OLYMPICS 08 Primary History and planning for teaching the...
    Primary History 58: The Olympics
  • Fact Based Quiz Ideas For Turning 3s into 4s and 5s

      Briefing Pack
    Please note: this resource pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum and some content and links may be outdated. If you are looking to raise your 3/4 grades into 4s/5s, a big focus is going to be fact retention. This can be in the form of fact based quizzes and organisational activities,...
    Fact Based Quiz Ideas For Turning 3s into 4s and 5s
  • Louis, John, and William: the 'Dame Europa' pamphlets, 1870-1871

    The pamphlet printing industry in England received an unexpected boost in 1871 with the appearance of numerous works written, mainly, as commentaries, satires or allegories in Britain’s attitude regarding the Franco-Prussian War. The cause of this deluge was one particular tract, first issued on Salisbury in October 1870, whose purpose...
    Louis, John, and William: the 'Dame Europa' pamphlets, 1870-1871
  • Why stories?

      Primary History article
    Please note: this article was written before the 2014 National Curriculum and some content and references may no longer be relevant. During the Early Years and Foundation Stage children should listen to stories, ask how and why and talk about the past (DfE 2012). Young children are comfortable with stories. Through...
    Why stories?
  • American Dime Novels 1860-1915

      GCSE Topic Pack
    This resource is free to everyone. For access to a wealth of other online resources from podcasts to articles and publications, plus support and advice though our “How To”, examination and transition to university guides and careers resources, join the Historical Association today   Dime novels | Dime novel craze...
    American Dime Novels 1860-1915
  • Florence Nightingale

      Primary History resource
    Born: May 1820; Died: August 1910 Background and early life Florence Nightingale was born to a wealthy evangelical family in Florence, Italy in 1820. She was named after her place of birth. It was normal at the time for girls from wealthy families to be educated at home by a governess,...
    Florence Nightingale
  • A local history toolkit

    Produced by the Historical Association for the National Literacy Trust's "The Olden Times" newspaper resource, May 2011. For more recent resources on local history enquiries see: Local significant individuals Local history scheme of work: your local high street Local history scheme of work: transport Incorporating local history into a scheme...
    A local history toolkit
  • Essex Branch History

      Branch History
    Essex Branch - Early DaysEssex Branch was founded in 1920 or earlier and was active continuously until 1936.  In 1920-1 the president was H. de Havilland of The Manor House, Great Horkesley, and the secretary Mr. E.T. Baldwin of Earls Colne Grammar School.  There were 56 branch members and 8...
    Essex Branch History
  • Hampstead & North West London Branch Programme

    Hampstead & North West London Branch Programme 2024-25 Meetings are held at 8pm on the third Thursday of the month September to April (excluding December) at Fellowship House, 136a Willifield Way, London NW11 6YD. Some lectures are also on Zoom. See below for details. The cost of local membership is...
    Hampstead & North West London Branch Programme
  • Plymouth Branch Programme

    Plymouth Branch Programme 2024-25   Website: Contact: Alan H. Cousins, 1 Russell Court, Russell Close, Saltash PL12 4LZ , Tel. 01503 230106 Meetings are open to all, and are free for national or local members of the Historical Association, and for University of Plymouth students. Visitor tickets: £6,...
    Plymouth Branch Programme
  • What Does the English Baccalaureate mean for me?

      Briefing Pack
    Please note: this resource pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum. Some content may be outdated and some links may no longer work. History constitutes a key player in the new English Baccalaureate, being one of the two choices that students may opt for in the Humanities section. The English Baccalaureate is a...
    What Does the English Baccalaureate mean for me?
  • The Norfolk and Norwich Branch History

      Branch History
    The Norfolk and Norwich Branch - a short historyThe branch was founded in 1920, at the instigation of two local teachers, W. J. Blake (the father the famous historian, Robert, Lord Blake) and Walter Stephenson, the father of our most long-serving (1941-1962) president, Andrew Stephenson, who was himself a distinguished...
    The Norfolk and Norwich Branch History
  • Catherine de' Medici and the French Wars of Religion

    R. J. Knecht suggests that the 'Black Legend' may not be quite as unfair to Catherine as her defenders have argued. Few historical figures have aroused as much passionate controversy as Catherine de’ Medici who was queen of France from 1547 until 1559 and several times regent before her death...
    Catherine de' Medici and the French Wars of Religion
  • Durham

    Emeritus Professor G. R. Batho a personal perspective on the city of the prince bishops. We all have highly personal impressions of the towns and cities with which we are familiar. Few readers of The Historian are likely to emulate the good lady who hearing that I was leaving the...
  • Nuneaton Branch Programme

    Nuneaton Branch Programme 2024-25   Contact: Venue: Chilvers Coton Heritage Centre, 4 Avenue Road, Nuneaton CV11 4LU unless otherwise stated. Time: 7.30pm unless otherwise indicated Twitter / X: @Nuneaton_HA Facebook: Nuneaton Historical Association   25 September 2024 The History of Food in England Prof. Diana Purkiss, Oxford University   10...
    Nuneaton Branch Programme
  • Samuel Pepys and the Great Fire of London (KS1)

      Lesson Plan
    This resource is free to everyone. For access to hundreds of other high-quality resources by primary history experts along with free or discounted CPD and membership of a thriving community of teachers and subject leaders, join the Historical Association today Please note: this resource was created prior to the 2014 National...
    Samuel Pepys and the Great Fire of London (KS1)
  • Mid-Trent & Mercia Branch Programme

    Mid-Trent & Mercia Branch Programme 2024-25 Further details can always be obtained from Trevor James on 01543-258434 or Sylvia Clifford on 01283-536250 Venues and times are listed with each meeting.   30 September 2024, 10.30am -12.30pm at Sutton Coldfield Town Hall B73 6DA Very Modern History: Further Insight into Modern-day Belarus presentation...
    Mid-Trent & Mercia Branch Programme
  • What makes good primary history?

      Transition Training Session 5
    This is the 5th in a series of 5 sessions arising from the 2005 KS2-KS3 History Transitions Project: Transition training session 1: Historical Enquiries & Interpretations Transition training session 2: Using ICT in the teaching of history Transition training session 3: Extended writing in history Transition training session 4: Joan of Arc -...
    What makes good primary history?
  • Joan of Arc - Saint, Witch or Warrior?

      Transition Training Session 4
    This is the 4th of 5 sessions arising from the 2005 KS2-KS3 History Transitions Project: Transition training session 1: Historical Enquiries & Interpretations Transition training session 2: Using ICT in the teaching of history Transition training session 3: Extended writing in history Transition training session 4: Joan of Arc - Saint,...
    Joan of Arc - Saint, Witch or Warrior?
  • Teaching the Romans and stuck for inspiration?

      Links and Visits
    Theme of the monthA trip to Roman site can bring the subject alive like nothing else. English Heritage cares for a number of key Roman properties throughout the country and offers FREE ENTRY to all 400 of its sites for self-led learning groups.  Roman teaching resources from English HeritageSite specific...
    Teaching the Romans and stuck for inspiration?
  • Stories and National Identity

      Primary History article
    Please note: this article pre-dates the current National Curriculum and some content may be outdated. If you were asked to select just one story which you thought all children should know about British history, what would it be? Would it be Guy Fawkes or Florence Nightingale? The battle of Hastings...
    Stories and National Identity