Quality Mark Case Study: Berkeley Academy


The Berkeley Academy is a large two form entry primary school with a nursery serving the community of Shavington on the outskirts of Crewe. The majority of children are white British with small numbers from a range of other ethnic groups. The school sees this profile as a challenge to preparing children for life in 21st century Britain and have made great strides to develop wider awareness of diversity through the curriculum. In February 2019 the school was awarded a gold Quality Mark.
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Section 1: Teaching, Learning and Achievement

This quality is concerned with ensuring effective learning through appropriate and motivating teaching that engages all pupils consistently throughout the school and enables them to achieve.

Read on to find out more from the school’s history subject leader Rob Nixon about how they approach teaching and learning at Berkeley Academy and how they went about gathering the evidence for this element of the Quality Mark: 
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Section 2: Leadership

This quality is concerned with ensuring that systems and structures are in place and used effectively to ensure that history enjoys a high status, reputation and profile in the school and beyond.

Read on below to find out more about how subject leader Rob Nixon approaches leading the subject and how he went about gathering evidence for this section: 
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Section 3: Curriculum

This quality is concerned with the coherence, logic and appropriateness of the curriculum in the context of the school

Read on to find out more about how the school plans, implements and reviews their curriculum:
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Section 4: Enrichment

This quality is concerned with ensuring pupils have access to history beyond the taught curriculum and that the history that is taught in the curriculum is supported, enriched and deepened by involvement in projects, visits and gaining from the expertise of others

Enrichment could also apply to school staff and how their understanding is enriched through CPD and networks that share practice.
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Section 5: Impact

Berkeley Academy was awarded the gold Quality Mark in the spring of 2019. This section is not part of the QM criteria, but rather an opportunity for the school and the subject leader to consider what the initial short-term impact of participating in the Quality Mark, both on the subject leader and the school has been.
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